Kindergarten with art

Kindergarten with art

March 2, 2022.  Teacher Katie Bushma engaged our 8 kindergarten students in creating art. They get a full and enjoyable program of handwriting, reading, spelling, math, music, art, Chinese, and Spanish.
Kindergarten 100 days, words and art

Kindergarten 100 days, words and art

28 January 2022: The kindergarteners created art, particularly studying perspective as they drew buildings various scales and view angles. They also wrote 100 words to celebrate their 100th day of school, and for another celebration of 100 they made collages of 10...

Poetry by our kindergarteners & early kindergarteners

Week of 1-5 March 2021.  Our kindergarteners and early kindergarteners are learning elements of poetry.  New teacher Katie Bushma has them imagining and writing. Some poems were composed on the whiteboard, some on paper; some were “blackout poetry,” using a random...

Letters from kindergarten students to new students

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Teacher Arielle Lane asked the kindergarten students to write letters to the next class, to tell them what they should know about the class.  Enjoy these two!